Factorio Game Servers

10 Slots

66.01 kr  /MO
ex. VAT
  • 10 Slots

30 Slots

111.96 kr  /MO
ex. VAT
  • 30 Slots

50 Slots

197.76 kr  /MO
ex. VAT
  • 50 Slots



2.30 kr 

/Slot /MO
ex. VAT
  • 10-50 Slots

What is Factorio?

Factorio: Space Age is now available, jump right into space exploration and expand across the whole planetary system!
Factorio 2.0 update has been released, with a lot of new changes. Including new rails, smarter worker robots, a whole new fluid system and overhauled Nauvis terrain generation.

Discover the World of Factorio Factory Building!

In Factorio, you get to build and maintain factories. From mining resources to researching technologies, crafting infrastructure, and automating production — it's all part of this exceptional factory simulator. The experience is enhanced, especially with friends on a multiplayer server, making it a highly enjoyable adventure.

Start by chopping trees, mining, and crafting the necessary parts. Gradually, you'll evolve into a fully automated, complex factory. However, heavy exploitation of the planet's resources might not sit well with the locals. Be prepared to defend yourself and the machine empire you've created.

Factorio cooperative Multiplayer allows you to create huge factories by collaborating and delegating tasks out between you. If building a Megabase in Factorio, having a server can help quite a bit too, the servers run headless allowing more processing power to go towards the game rather than graphics.

We have mod support, from simple quality of life improvements, or complete overhaul mods, allowing you to install additional content from your favourite modders with ease. This includes running custom maps and scenarios too.

Our servers offer high performance, giving you complete control over your Factorio gaming experience. Coupled with an exceptional support team and multiple global locations for optimal connectivity, we ensure you have the best gaming experience possible.

Ready to delve into the world of Factorio with automation, crafting, mega bases, and defending your empire? Rent your server now and get started today!


For more information, checkout the Steam Page or the Factorio Website.



  • TCAdmin control panel
  • Full FTP file access
  • Backup & Restore functionality
  • Easy to use Configuration Editor
  • Custom command lines
  • Easy one-click updater
  • 4 Ghz+ processor with SSD/NVMe storage

We support Factorio DLC and Mods!

It is easy to switch between DLC maps and install mods on our control panel!


Factorio Game Server Hosting

Factorio: Space Age

Factorio: Space Age Game Server Hosting
DDoS Protection

DDoS Protection

All our hosting comes with automated protection from attackers, so that your servers are never effected.

Instant setup

Instant setup

The very second we receive payment for your order your services are up and ready for you to start using them!

Mod Support

Mod Support

You can enable mods on all of our game servers, just follow one of our easy guides and they're good to go!

Fast servers

Fast servers

We use only the best hardware for our game hosting, utilizing powerful processors, gigabit uplinks and SSD storage.

Awesome Support

Awesome Support

Fast and friendly support team, here anytime you need help from us. To submit a ticket just head over here.

TCAdmin Control Panel

TCAdmin Control Panel

Our game servers are powered by TCAdmin which gives you a fast and easy to use experience!

Our Server Locations

Our Server Locations Our Server Locations Our Server Locations