Outpost Zero Game Servers

15 Slots

176.34 kr  /MO
ex. VAT
  • 15 Slots

30 Slots

310.81 kr  /MO
ex. VAT
  • 30 Slots

50 Slots

519.27 kr  /MO
ex. VAT
  • 50 Slots



5.29 kr 

/Slot /MO
ex. VAT
  • 15-50 Slots

What is Outpost Zero?


You and robotic crewmates have been sent to this planet for a single purpose – prepare a working habitat for future human colonists that are eager to escape a dying earth. Galya’s untold natural resources are a juicy target for interstellar business.

Healthy competition between corporations drive dangerous expeditions. Will you succeed in establishing a profitable foothold in this mysterious world? Or will the environment and ruthless cooperation’s be too much for you to handle?

In Outpost Zero you will need to fight with the environment, native alien creatures and defend your base against roving bands of pirates and enemy raiders. Build a base that can transform the planet into a thriving colony, with a fully functional society of AI robots.


For more information about Outpost Zero checkout the Steam Page.

Stay tuned over on our Twitter and Facebook for updates!


  • TCAdmin control panel
  • Full FTP file access
  • Backup & Restore functionality
  • Easy to use Configuration Editor
  • Custom command lines
  • Easy one-click updater
  • 4 Ghz+ processor with SSD/NVMe storage
DDoS Protection

DDoS Protection

All our hosting comes with automated protection from attackers, so that your servers are never effected.

Instant setup

Instant setup

The very second we receive payment for your order your services are up and ready for you to start using them!

Mod Support

Mod Support

You can enable mods on all of our game servers, just follow one of our easy guides and they're good to go!

Fast servers

Fast servers

We use only the best hardware for our game hosting, utilizing powerful processors, gigabit uplinks and SSD storage.

Awesome Support

Awesome Support

Fast and friendly support team, here anytime you need help from us. To submit a ticket just head over here.

TCAdmin Control Panel

TCAdmin Control Panel

Our game servers are powered by TCAdmin which gives you a fast and easy to use experience!

Our Server Locations

Our Server Locations Our Server Locations Our Server Locations