Aloft Server Hosting

Server Rental

$ 8.30  

/MO ex. VAT

What is Aloft?

Aloft is a survival game that is set in the clouds, where you explore the skies by turning floating islands into flying ships, gathering resources as you go. You can build a cosy little farmhouse and look after animals, or you can install windmills, a network of cables and pullies to automate machines and automate production lines.

Look after your island as it’s a fully living ecosystem on its own, that has the possibility to gain an uncontrollable fungi infestation, well, if you have unsustainable harvesting practices. Luckily, there’s a cure for this if it does occur, you can find and defeat mushroom creatures to create antidotes to save your animals and restore your land.

Build your farm to gather food and cook up delicious recipes. Remember to look after your animals and they in turn, will protect you. Become the sky explorers you and your friends have always wanted to be with our powerful Aloft server hosting, complete with 24/7 support and automated backups.


For more information about Aloft checkout the Steam Page.


Checkout the trailer!


  • TCAdmin control panel
  • Full FTP file access
  • Backup & Restore functionality
  • Easy to use Configuration Editor
  • Custom command lines
  • Easy one-click updater
  • 4 Ghz+ processor with SSD/NVMe storage
DDoS Protection

DDoS Protection

All our hosting comes with automated protection from attackers, so that your servers are never effected.

Instant setup

Instant setup

The very second we receive payment for your order your services are up and ready for you to start using them!

Mod Support

Mod Support

You can enable mods on all of our game servers, just follow one of our easy guides and they're good to go!

Fast servers

Fast servers

We use only the best hardware for our game hosting, utilizing powerful processors, gigabit uplinks and SSD storage.

Awesome Support

Awesome Support

Fast and friendly support team, here anytime you need help from us. To submit a ticket just head over here.

TCAdmin Control Panel

TCAdmin Control Panel

Our game servers are powered by TCAdmin which gives you a fast and easy to use experience!

Our Server Locations

Our Server Locations Our Server Locations Our Server Locations