10 Slots

12.42   /Monat
ex. MwSt
  • 10 Slots

20 Slots

21.78   /Monat
ex. MwSt
  • 20 Slots

50 Slots

47.13   /Monat
ex. MwSt
  • 50 Slots




/Slot /Monat
ex. MwSt
  • 10-50 Slots

What is Miscreated?

Miscreated is an online multiplayer hardcore survival game set in a post-apocalyptic open world. After The Final War, humanity was brought to its knees and the remaining survivors cling to the remains of this unforgiving world ravaged by a mutated plague which was Miscreated in the fallout. You must survive against horrific mutants, hostile animals, other desperate survivors and even the elements.

Explore the world of Miscreated with your very own game server - an extremely detailed and diverse landscape featuring picturesque forests, towering cities, deep hidden caves, bunkers and sewers. Discover over 15 types of drivable vehicles and repair them to travel faster on land or in water.

As you explore the amazing world of Miscreated you will need to obtain food and water. Due to The Final War a lot of the items you find will be dirty, irradiated, or possibly even poisoned, so always inspect items before you consume them. Hunting wildlife to harvest meat, or growing your own crops, is the safest option. Be sure to cook any raw meat before you eat it!

Sound like something you would enjoy? Jump on your very own server today and get surviving with friends or open the server up to the world and play with whoever wishes to join!


For more information about Miscreated checkout the Steam Page.


  • TCAdmin Systemsteuerung
  • Voller FTP Zugriff
  • Backup & Wiederherstellungsfunktion
  • Einfach zu bedienender Konfigurations Editor
  • Benutzerdefinierte Befehlszeilen
  • Einfacher one-click Updater
  • 4 Ghz+ Processoren mit SSD/NVMe Speicher
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DDoS Schutz

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Schnelles Setup

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Mod Unterstützung

Mod Unterstützung

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Schnelle Server

Schnelle Server

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Toller Kundendienst

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TCAdmin Systemsteuerung

TCAdmin Systemsteuerung

Unsere Game Server sind mit der TCAdmin Systemsteuerung ausgestattet, um Dir ein schnelle und einfache Bedienung zu ermöglichen.

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