Terraria Spelservrar Terraria Spelservrar

10 Slots

$ 9.07   $ 5.90   /månad
utan. MOMS
  • 10 Platser

15 Slots

$ 12.26   $ 7.97   /månad
utan. MOMS
  • 15 Platser

20 Slots

$ 15.89   $ 10.33   /månad
utan. MOMS
  • 20 Platser



$ 0.67  

/plats /månad
utan. MOMS
  • 10-20 Platser


What is Terraria?

Explore a world of boundless possibilities in Terraria, where you grasp the very essence of survival, fortune, and glory. Delve deep into labyrinthine caverns in pursuit of treasure and essential resources to craft continuously advancing gear, machinery, and captivating aesthetics. Whether you decide to confront ever-more formidable foes, testing your mettle in combat, or opt to establish your own thriving city, sheltering a host of enigmatic allies along your travels, the choice is entirely yours.

Blending elements of classic action games with the freedom of sandbox-style creativity, Terraria is a unique gaming experience where both the journey and the destination are completely in the player’s control. The Terraria adventure is truly as unique as the players themselves!

In the World of Terraria, the choice is yours!

Embark on your Terraria quest alongside LogicServers! Set loose your imagination in a realm where Dig, Fight, Explore, and Build pave the way to triumph, wealth, and honor. Whether you delve into deep caverns in search of treasure and resources or confront formidable adversaries in battle, the decisions are all yours. Construct cities to shelter enigmatic allies and sculpt your fate!

Immerse yourself in the flawless fusion of classic action gaming and the boundless creativity of a sandbox. In Terraria, every facet of your journey is under your command, ensuring your escapade is as varied as your individuality! Come join us and shape your lasting legacy in Terraria today.

Journey's End is now out, offering new possibilities for your adventure!


For more information about Terraria checkout the Steam Page.


Checkout the Terraria: Journey's End trailer!




Checkout the Terraria trailer!


  • TCAdmin kontrollpanel
  • Full tillgång till filer via FTP
  • Backup & Återställnings funktion
  • Enkel konfigurations Editor
  • Egenbyggd kommando editor
  • Enkel enklicks uppdaterare
  • 4.2Ghz+ processor med SSD/NVMe lagring
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